
04日 7月 2021
Hey,all! here's the dev news of GGRS v2.0. Now progress, Lightning is perfect and Worldcoloring too. Today,i will tell you about new water surface. Old one is strange and laggy, but next one is less laggy and more naturall. But it's developed now,so if you feel strange, please write a comment to here.
30日 6月 2021
Hey all! here's progress presentation of GGRS v2.0. V2.0 has some improved features. For example, cloud and lightning. Cloud will be blocky, but I don't know what I will do. Maybe the cloud will be removed. 2nd, Lightning. Lightning will be different from old my shaders. Old lightning was dark, so it will be bright! and Orange color. I will improve the shader performance. GGRS will be one of low-end-devices shaders. Your kind words are my encouragement.